What can I expect during an EFT session?

My EFT sessions are tailored to you and your individual needs. My intention is to help you listen to your body, clarify your goals and find lasting relief and empowerment – often in surprising ways.
EFT is essentially about being willing to have difficult thoughts and feelings in gentle and structured ways. As we talk and tap, your body tells a story. I listen for emotional intensity and what may be meaningful for you, ask some questions – and together we follow the trail. If trauma is involved, we approach any intensity at your pace and in your own time.
Judgement-Free Zone: My intention is to listen without prejudice to how your world is put together, help you focus in ways that are helpful, talk you through any meridian tapping points as we go, and to help you stretch comfortably and confidently towards where you would like to be.
Scheduling and Setup
Once we've talked and scheduled an appointment, I will email you an information packet - to be filled out and returned (via email) before our scheduled time together. In this packet, I request whatever information you feel comfortable providing - whatever you feel is important for me to know about your issue(s) - any feelings, thoughts, history etc. I also ask that you sign an informed consent agreement stating that you take complete responsibility for your use of EFT.
Receipt of your payment will confirm our session, and I will arrange to meet you on Zoom at our appointed time.
For your session, please make sure you've set aside private space and time where you can express yourself freely, and keep some water handy to sip during breaks. A set of headphones (with a mic) will help with our audio quality for phone or Zoom sessions.

Cancellations and Confidentiality
Please keep in mind that my appointment times are valuable and cannot be replaced. If you find you have to cancel or reschedule our session, please give me as much notice as you can - either by phone or email.
Our sessions are personal and confidential. Anything you tell me is kept private and is strictly between us. Keep in mind, EFT is extremely flexible. If there are personal things you do not want to discuss, EFT can still help.
I am here to help - to share with you an approach that has completely transformed my life, almost beyond description. Im happy to answer any questions you may have.