EFT Client Feedback
"You [and EFT] have helped me be a lot kinder to myself. That’s the biggest gift."
– Q.E., Wilmington, DE, USA
"[I've been] feeling a little better, a little more myself. A little more grounded maybe. I haven’t been as much of a pushover [and] a little more honest with myself and with people around me about how I’m really feeling. Something as simple as that is of a big deal for me."
– M.L., Boston, MA, USA
"[In all my work on this] fear of being alone hasn’t come up before. It feels really significant. It's quite incredible to have done this today."
– B.T., Melbourne, AUS
"[Right after the session] I didn’t feel different, but a few days later it was like a curtain gently opened."
– A.S., Scotland
“I’m free of that stuff I was carrying. I didn’t expect to talk about some of the things that happened here. Your approach of 'lets start, and we’ll end up where we need to be'... that’s what happened.”
– M.B., USA
"Thank you! I can't believe how much better I feel after that tapping session. My mind isn't spinning on that thought anymore. My mind and heart are linked up in a way."
– S.B., USA
“I just want to say thank you!! Overall [after bi-monthly sessions] there’s a massive change in how I’ve been feeling.”
– V.C., USA
"That session… for the first time in maybe my whole life it was ok [to be] angry. I make it not ok, and it is ok. Every time I have a session with you it’s different from everything else in the world. I don’t think it’s tapping alone. It’s you and tapping! You’re able to be with it, man. That was hard shit we were sitting with yesterday, and [it's] made such a difference...”
– S.P., USA
"[Since our EFT sessions began] I’m living my own life. I don’t know if I want someone to bother that right now! I love being alone. Being alone is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I couldn’t do anything alone before.”
– S.M., USA
"[After our two sessions] I’ve had more success with the anger and jealousy issues than I’ve had in my whole life. This is weird, man, I have made a complete turn-around emotionally. When I see him, I just want to give him a hug."
– S.R., USA
"[Thanks to our three sessions] I’ve noticed a big turn-around. I've been getting better at expressing my opinions and feelings."
–S.M., USA
"[After the 90min EFT session last week] I'm still processing what was undoubtedly one of the most potent healing experiences I've ever had. You held space for me and reflected my experience in a way that nobody ever has. Your guidance opened me up to new possibilities for insight and the container you created made me feel safe and witnessed. It was truly a gift of 'seeing'. Although I was looking for a clear resolution to the issues I was facing, I now realize that it was a monumental gift just to receive the visions, and I trust the healing resolution will come..."
– O.R., USA
"Wow, I have been having such a deep healing ~ I am continually thanking you for holding that space for me. I feel like I owe you my first child or something except she is cranky & has children of her own lol"
– K.I., USA
“Jade, I notice such a difference my back this morning!!! Thank you for helping me. I am a believer! EFT is so real!!”
– A.S., USA
"[It's been] seven sessions with you and my anxiety around this is gone. It's just not there. I can do things I couldn't do before"
– B.L., USA
“Jade – your work is truly powerful! It is so different from any other work I have experienced. After the first time, when I tried to describe it, the word “relentless” came up! Meaning, when we came up against the blocks or edges of areas I must be fearing, we kept [moving] through. Somehow the work makes it possible without the pain! The magical tapping, I presume! The second session was like knowing we were going in for a deep look and clean up – and I didn’t have to know ahead of time what we were to be working on! This work finds the tough spots! After our session I found myself holding my head higher and feeling much stronger! Having “homework” is great, too — I have been trying to work with EFT in various forms for a couple of years and this has been the most effective experience! Your lovely presence is certainly part of it,too. Blessings to you on this path!”
— A.Y., USA
“Thank you for helping me feel as though I’m returning to the human race.”
— K.T., USA
“I really appreciate the work you did with me. I’m still just becoming aware of the huge shift it made. For the first time maybe ever I feel really secure in myself. I can talk to my parents about their situation with a loving supportiveness, but I no longer feel the intensity or the weight of it dragging down my own life. I finally feel emotionally that their conflicts belong to them, not me. It’s been amazingly empowering… The eating issues have lost a lot of power, too. While still occasionally there, the cravings feel more like an annoying little fly buzzing around my head that I have to swat away, as opposed to some big monster pulling me down like it was before. I think it’s all interrelated, so it feels pretty awesome to have this change… Thanks a lot! It’s amazing how much ground we covered in only two sessions, and it’s been feeling great. I’ve worked with a few people in the past, but you’re actually the first with whom I’ve felt such palpable good changes!”
—R.H., USA
“Jade, today I utilized the tapping during your show with only minor modifications and it was great! I am able to say, at least with a little bit of conviction, “Bullshit, I am enough! And that feels real good!”
—J.T., USA
"Jade, I feel like a different person. As long as I’ve been doing EFT, I still was in awe of the power of this session for me. Life-changing! And it felt so-o-o good to be on the receiving end.” 3 day update: “The session you did for me was phenomenal. I simply can’t get back any of the pain that was there. The [negative feelings that once were there] have transformed into a warm and tender feeling. Your work is pure gold – it really is!”
—B.H., USA
“The change in my son’s behavior is amazing. Since the 2nd session, he is on less medication and doing much better. He’s even using his “tapping machine”! He is in a way different place than in a long time. We laughed together for the first time in forever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
— A.C., USA
“Your EFT helped me soooooo much! That day after I left you I had a bunch of errands to do but as soon as I got in the car I realized that I was just physically exhausted, really just spent. I drove straight home and got into bed and fell into a deep sleep for about 2 hours! (Have you heard of anyone else doing that?). I think the reason I was able to sleep so deeply is because I had been so stressed about the school question, but after you “tapped” me, my mind was completely at ease! Every time I tried to get into my circular thinking about the topic my mind just wouldn’t go there. It was exactly like you had said! I have to say that I was sceptical that it would work on me but it really, really did!”
— R.E., USA
“I’ve been processing our session for a little while, and I just wanted to say thank you. I am sad and comfortable, but it feels really good to feel, and to feel something real. It feels good that even though it feels hard, I am the only one who can heal myself, and there is nothing outside of me that can make my life better. Even though I feel far away from that, our session made me feel that it is possible, that there is hope for me. I must say again, it is the safe environment you create and the attention and presence you provide that makes this possible. Thank you for making me feel safe and important, those are not feelings I am familiar with and feels like a miracle to have them. That in itself is very healing.”
— J.U., USA
“Thank you so much for the EFT treatment! When I got home, my friend saw me walking and smiling and he was like “Oh my God! Why do you look so happy,don’t tell me… YOU HAD SEX didn’t you?!” And I laughed and said “No! Actually I naturally feel good!” and I explained to him about the treatment and how I realized I was feeling empty and inferior even though there are so many good things that I do and feel I need to focus on them. He was just astounded. I am about to go out and for the first time I feel good about going, and I know I’m not looking to find someone! I’m going to go to dance with my friend and to feel good and listen to music. That is so nice. I am so glad that I don’t have that feeling of yearning and wanting, because that feeling is not good and it makes me feel small in helpless, my feeling of inferiority is still there but it’s much less and the feeling of yearning is virtually gone! I’m excited about the technique and bringing it up at my next session! Thank so much again! 2 Week Update: I know it hasn’t been very long since the EFT, but I haven’t been overeating since [our session together]… it’s a great feeling!”
— E.T., USA
“It was so beautiful to see Vinnie not stressing out to the point of no return. It seems EFT has affected my entire family in more ways than I thought!”
— Doreen Lucius, Co-Owner, Muddy Paws Canine Center, Westminster, VT, US
“Thanks Jade. Guess who tapped this morning?”
— M.T., USA
“My mom sounded so light and so joyful, that session with her was a gift.”
— D.C., USA
"Something interesting has happened [since we started working together]. If I don't have to worry about being liked, what could happen? I feel better!"
— F.B., USA
“It’s amazing what I’m eating now compared to what I was eating two weeks ago. I’m eating eggs. I’m eating beans. I’m eating sugar! It’s amazing. There is still a little bit of the symptoms, but nothing serious. It’s calmed down a lot. I’m just realizing it’s about me being stressed out. It’s not so much what I’m eating, it’s how relaxed I am when I’m eating it and how I feel when I’m eating it. That’s changed a lot, how I’ve started
looking at it that way.”
— W.T., Sweden
“It’s working! Our Vibrational Marketing session has brought me three new clients so far, in only two days: One new client for multiple sessions via Google; One returning client (someone I adore, an actor) came back for three more, as well. And there is one English lady who came via Facebook – and I never, ever got a client from Facebook! She will get one session for a reduced price – so there is still something to work on. All “out of the blue” as we talked about… I am thrilled! Same Day Update: I just got an emergency session in the late afternoon, and another client just wrote she wants to do another session! Something has really shifted. “Out of the blue” is magical. It is a powerful image for me, absolutely hits the spot. Has a spiritual meaning too. I wonder if that is something you could build on in your vibrational marketing work: finding the exact image/wording for a client, the one that resonates on a deep level.”
— C.M., USA
"Since we talked, I seem to have dropped the barrier that I was holding up to keep people at bay. It's like magic. Thanks so much, Jade!! Muah!"
— B.A., USA
"[Thanks to our work together] I feel safe now to be visible, not energetically trying to hide myself. The feeling of being, more than I’ve ever been, feels good too. I don’t feel so alone anymore, and my relationships with some people are shifting"
— Y.L., USA
"Jade, I just wanted to let u know, [as a side effect from our session] my rashes and hives have all stopped. Thank you sooooooo much!!! Super grateful"
— S.C., USA