How to Tap for Yourself
Sometimes we don't know exactly why we feel bad in the moment, we just know something's wrong.
Finding the Words
To get started with tapping, I like to begin with putting some words to my sense of discomfort without getting into the details – using words like, "ughhh I feel so bad right now" or "I don't want to feel this ughhh feeling".
Notice how intense "bad" or "cruddy" or "ugggh" feels, and where you might feel this in your body. Measure this awareness 0 (low) to 10 (high). Then speak aloud the words you've chosen for at least one full round.
You can adjust the words slightly as you continue to tune-in to how uncomfortable it is to have this feeling, but don't jump away to other ideas just yet. Simply sit with and be open to having your present difficulty:
Tapping and Speaking Aloud
Side of Hand: "Even though I feel so bad right now... I acknowledge that's where I'm at" x3
Top of Head: "I feel so bad right now"
Eyebrow: "So bad right now"
Side of Eye: "Ugh, sooo bad..."
Under Eye: "So bad..."
Under Nose: "Soooo bad..."
Chin: "Ughhh, bad..."
Collar Bone: "Sooo bad..."
Under Arm: "Bad in my body"
Top of Hand (Gamut Spot): "Feeling sooo bad."
You might be thinking, "well, I get so bored saying the same words!". If this is true for you, consider you may not be allowing yourself to have the discomfort. Instead, you might be checking-out or running away from it. Ask yourself, what is your level of willingness to actually have this badness? If you sense that you're afraid of having it or you're worried what will happen if you do, then maybe start with those words instead, like "so afraid of this badness". In EFT, we call this starting with the most present or activated aspect.
EFT is not about tapping away difficult thoughts or feelings, but it is about allowing yourself to have them so that they naturally evolve away.
Tap along with my video: The Constricted Breathing Exercise
Download and print a 1-page Tapping for Self-Care sheet for easy access to tapping